Hurry Back
It's the event that is taking place in most of our lives right now. Sometimes it makes me sad, sometimes I get excited, sometimes I worry that the responsibility will come too fast and I won't be ready for it. But, after some recent happenings in my life, I determined that I wouldn't be sad that so many of you all who are so near and dear to me are going to be farther away for a longer length of time than ever before...since I've met you anyway. Why? Because I'm not going to let that really affect anything if I can help it. I want you all to know, even more than before, how much I love you guys and how much you all mean to me -- every single one of you. I'm going to fight for the relationships I have with you all and my family -- especially my closest sister. I asked someone once how their brother was -- from what his brother had told me they had been close like my sister and I -- and he almost got defensive and said, "I don't know. We don't really have anything in common anymore." And it made me sad that he said that. I was thinking, "And you're just going to let him slip away from you?! You're not going to do anything about it?!" And I thought about Rebekah, and was like, "I don't think we've ever had much in common!" But she's one of the best friends I'll have. Hehe, this is the girl that I got into fist fights with, heated arguements with, tossed blame back and forth with -- we seriously wanted to strangle each other sometimes we clashed so much! But she's also the one I can tell pretty much anything, we've laughed together, cried together, hung out together, shared a bedroom (and sometimes a bed) together my entire life. And I would never just let us drift away.
" 'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'
So, I just found out today that not just anyone could comment, so I have changed that so that anyone can comment. So, if you have something to say, say it :-) I'd love to hear from you...yeah :-D
So, I go through all this trouble looking at cars and test driving them, and then all the troubles of getting the price as low as it would go, and I get home, and while everyone continues raving about it, all I want to do is go and spend time with the God and Father who finally allowed me to get the perfect car. I realized all the more that it's just a car. And something I read in the Bible during that time I escaped made me think, "What if I die in the next few days, or even tonight? Is the car really important? What really matters?" It sounds depressing, I know, but that's not how I was thinking about it. I mean, it was weird to think about it, but I had to face it and know that I was ok with it if that's how God decided to let things come about. He's the most important thing in my life, and, just like in every human relationship, it's easy to forget when they're always around. Today I started feeling a love for God and His love for me in such a different way -- a way I'd only noticed through reading the Bible, but could never really see it for real. It's like having a husband and thinking you really want him to get you something and then you'd know he really loves you. And then he gets it for you and surprises you with it, and you realize that whatever it is isn't what you really want, but that he is, and he's been trying to get you to see that. God loves us like a father (Matt. 7:11), He loves us like a friend (just see how He interacts with His disciples and others He was close to), and He loves us like a spouse (Isaiah 54:5). That's the one we miss the most. It's strange to us to think of Him in that way. Why? Well, what kind of relationship do you have with a spouse? The kind where you pass in the hall and trade a quick, "Hi, how are you?" "Pretty good, you?" "Same here."? No, it's a much more intimate relationship. A relationship in which you know someone like you've never known anyone else. Think about that. Imagine having that kind of relationship with Someone who often seems farther away than another galaxy. Someone we know as God, who often don't treat or respect as God -- in fact think He owes us something. Imagine learning to love Him like we hope to one day, or do love someone else.
Well, looks like I might be getting a car today, at last. After all the "trouble" of not finding "the car" I believe I have now found it. This car is the reason I couldn't find one sooner. You know, I don't know if this car was even up for sale when I first started looking. And then...I don't know, I decided to try searching for Toyota Echos one more time, and there was this one, two miles away at Carmax, which my parents and I had visited a while ago and didn't find this one before. Then, on Thursday Rebekah and I went to Carmax, and a dealer brought us straight to the car, unlocked the door, I sat in it, the seat scoots up far enough, and I asked if we could test drive it. And he said, "Sure." Hehe, Rebekah said the guy seemed worried when we traded seats and I started driving. I know I wasn't driving badly though, I was being extra careful, 'cause for one thing, it wasn't my car yet. But I suppose it was 'cause I didn't even look 18, and 18 isn't all that old or "experienced."
Lately I've been feeling restless pretty often. I'll want quiet time, and then when I get it I can't relax or enjoy it, and I feel like I need to do something. I don't really feel like I have anyone I can talk to. With some of my new aquaintances I don't feel like I can just share and get prayer and a hug, but they want to immediately just take care of doesn't seem like it truly matters to them. At work I don't feel like they really know me, and it's hard because I know I have to step up to the plate and be someone I'm not because they expect it, and they don't understand why certain things make me uncomfortable.