More than Church and Morals

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It came upon an unsuspecting soul...

Him who I trusted to be a friend, has been found to be all but a foe. His presence nearby is not hope that maybe, finally, things will be different, it is evidence that I must be ready to run, or fight, to protect myself; because he who should have been a protector has become the one I need protection from.

I say this not to be negative -- I want with all my heart to deny it's validity. Such things should not be! my heart cries out. And yet it is! I insist, trying to convince myself, he told you himself.

Satan, I hate you! I hate you, and I cannot say it enough!

Oh, to turn back time to save those I care about! But it can't be done, so where do I go from here to heal the damage I have done? Lord, go with me, healing is Your department. God forgive me, I have wilted in my own strength where Your's would have been enough! I need to speak up, the Devil has kept me in the habit of silence far too long. I have been pushed around for far too long, walked on, waved off -- counted as if nothing!

I matter. You hear that, Satan? I matter. God says so.
