I'm still holding out for you
You know those times in your life where so many littlish things have built up that all of a sudden one little thing just makes you explode? Yeah, now's one of those times for me. Well, a few minutes ago, anyway. I wanted to take a shower tonight, and I was planning on taking one at around 10:00pm (that's when I remembered I wanted to take one) and then I'd get into bed by 10:30pm. Well, my brother C.J. was pondering on whether he wanted to take a shower tonight or if he wanted to wait until morning. So I said he should take it tomorrow, and he gave a reason why he didn't want to to do that, so I was like, "So take one tonight, but make it fast." He was like, "Why?" I said, " 'Cause I don't want to take one in the morning!" Well, he ended up taking one, saying he would be really fast. 50 minutes later he was out of the bathroom. I was already tired at 10, then my laptop decided to be stupid and slow up/freeze so I restarted it and then had to shut it down and then restart it and I wanted to go to bed but I had stuff I wanted to get done on my computer first and I was already close to tears from exhaustion and frustration; I just blew up. "C.J.!" (after he told me he had just gotten out). He was like, "What?! The water's fine!" (I had mentioned how I wasn't sure if I'd have enough hot water if he took a shower first). "I WANT TO GO TO BED!" (C.J.)"The water's fine!" (Me)"I WANT TO GO TO BED! I DON'T HAVE TIME TO TAKE A SHOWER NOW!" And my eyes just overflowed so fast, I just lay down and cried. Cried because I was so busy I barely had enough time to get a decent amount of sleep, let alone just lay down or sit down and breath and lean my head on the Lord's shoulder and enjoy His company; cried because getting a loan to get a car just doesn't seem to be working out and it's really frustrating; cried because I've lost what could've been a good friend and I believe I could've prevented this loss; cried because I've practically lost my friendship with Andrew over something not worth losing such a good friend over and I wonder how or if it can actually be rebuilt; cried because my computer wasn't working; cried because I was tired and frustrated that I hardly ever have the time to even take a shower right now. I miss my porch time. Those wonderful hours spent sitting on my front porch with coffee, Bible, notebook/journal or nothing at all and literally spending time with God one-on-one, singing, writing, talking to Him...
Pray for me? Encourage me?