The Most Amazing Woman
The most amazing woman.
There is a patient where I work who was in a bad accident awhile ago. I can't remember how long ago, but it's been awhile. It affected her entire back, which affects her entire body. This woman, is so tough. She is doing all she can to get herself as better as she can get. She is a single mother with two children, both under the age of 10. She works, of course, cares for her children, and does everything through tremendous pain. She is on a lot of medication to keep the pain down as much as possible, and it still halts her every now and then. Two times a week I work with her on exercises in the gym, which are extremely painful for her to do, but they have been helping her to feel a little better. In her situation, our roles are kind of reversed. She pushes herself so hard, and I constantly ensure her that it's ok when she's feeling worse, to be careful, cut back even and not to push herself so far that her condition gets set back. She doesn't like it when she's in more pain and is afraid of getting setting back and hates taking at all easy on the exercises. But she knows it could be worse if she pushes too hard. But every now and then her condition still gets worse.
A couple days ago when she was in, she told me that the night before the pain had been so bad she could hardly brush her little daughter's short hair. Tears filled her eyes as she told me. She used to do everything for her children, and now, at times, the pain is so bad she has trouble doing a simple task such as that -- brushing her daughter's hair. She had tried so hard to fight the pain, and her daughter, who's back was to her, asked, "Mommy are you ok?" My heart broke just hearing about it. If anything in this life is unfair, it is that. But I know God can heal her, in fact a new co-worker of mine pointed out that nowhere in the Bible was healing refused to those who sought it and believed in the power of God to do it.
We believe that He is capable, but we find it hard to believe that He will. Why is it so hard to believe that He will? He says constantly that He will come to our rescue, why do we find it so hard to believe that He will? He says that no one who puts their trust in Him will ever be put to shame, why do we find it so hard to believe that if we take His words and stand by them against the ridicule of the crowds, that He won't show up? He'll abandon us. He won't come through for us. Because we compare Him to the people we know who have let us down. When we needed someone the most they were no where to be found. We were alone. Why would God be any different? But He says He is. So we tell Him to prove Himself but never give Him the chance by trusting in His words. Someone can say a chair is sturdy enough not to collapse under you, but until you actually sit on it and put your full weight on it you won't know it's true.
We believe that He is able. Now we need to believe that He will.