More than Church and Morals

Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Off Button

So, I'm sure every mother out there wishes their kid had an off button. My niece, Layla Grace, actually does have one. Lately she's been a fuss-budget. Nothing would make her stop crying. I mean, all-out screaming, and she wasn't hungry -- she had just eaten. So, after a while, I remembered how much she likes the water running and having her hair washed. So I decided to see if the sound is what she likes so much. So I turned on the faucet, and lo and behold! She stopped crying. Not only that, but she started drifting in and out of sleep. I tried turning the water down, so it wasn't on so high, and she started crying again. I turned it back up, and within a few seconds she was no longer crying.

So I was like, we need to figure out a way to get this sound to play, without running the water. Then I remembered that Rebekah's old alarm clock has different nature sounds on it, and it happens to have the sound of waves crashing against the shore. So I grabbed Rebekah's alarm clock from upstairs, set it up downstairs, and turned it up so it was as loud as the faucet, maybe louder. It took a bit longer than with the faucet, but still, less than, or maybe 30 seconds later, Layla was quiet again. In fact, her eyelids began to drift shut, and a couple minutes later she was out. Mom and Dad and I kept cracking up.

Rebekah should be mighty grateful her daughter has such a consistant off switch.


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