Q&A #2
Who's a non-celebrity hero of yours, and why do you admire them so much?
Tomorrow morning Anthony's leaving. The first of my friends to go, but at least, although I didn't have as much time left with him as I do with the rest of you all who've graduated, God did bless me with good opportunities to hang out and get to know him some. Enough to keep in touch. And to think, before sometime around the middle of my last year in high school, all we ever said was, "Hi." I hope I get to spend about as much time with you guys as well, before you go off to wherever it is you're going, and I hope to stay in touch with as many of you as possible. Let's make plans, solid plans that we'll follow through with, not just hope will happen one day before we're gone, because before we know it, we'll be gone and will have lost the chance.
Is it possible to totally screw up and forfeit your chance to be with the person you were meant to be with?
I Wish I Was Eighteen Again
I just wanted to say what a blessing that Bible study is to me. Today I was pondering for awhile whether I would stay for it or not because I really needed to catch up on sleep, and get stuff done. But I stayed for it, and I thank God that I did. We talked about prayer. And at one point we were talking about the part of the Lord's Prayer where it says, "And forgive us our debts and we forgive our debtors," and then how after the prayer Jesus says that if don't forgive our debtors, God won't forgive us our sins. The question was brought up, would we have been in the same place we are physically and spiritually if we had not made the mistakes we had made? You know, what would've happened if we had done what we knew the Lord wanted us to do? Would we have lost more by not falling into sin then we did by falling into the sin? You know? Considering where we are now, what did we lose by messing up?
"When you totally mess up and get to a place you were not meant to be, was something lost? Sure! Was the greatest thing lost? No, never. God really wants us to have the greatest thing, which is a relationship with Him." -Preston Hamilton-
I was looking for a totally different verse, and I stumbled upon one that, not only did I mark it, but I boxed it in. I don't even know why it caught my attention the first time when I boxed it in.
Actually, don't. I have had way too many people try and almost...ask me into having a boyfriend. I guess they figure that, even though I've told them that I don't have a boyfriend, if they ask about enough guys eventually they'll guess which one is my boyfriend, even though I don't have one. In two days Ani and I had about...three people ask if we were going out -- all for who knows what reason. I have had about two patients say that Preston and I should go out -- just because we're both single and "at that age." About two people have, every time I've mentioned another guy friend asked if they were my boyfriend. And so many more patients, as one of their first questions to me while being stretched, have asked if I have a boyfriend. Good grief, that's not even a question that comes to my mind when I first meet someone! Goodness, can't I just be single until God's chosen one gets the go-ahead from Him?! Woopdeedoo, I'm 18 without a boyfriend, oh no I'm gonna die.........sheesh. Hehe, actually, once I get over that I've been asked again for the umpteenth time it's kind of amusing. Lol, someone even said to me once, "Goodness, Marie, you're so good-looking -- why don't you have a boyfriend?" I was like, maybe because I'm not going to go out with someone who's going out with me just because they think I look good or whatever.