Lord, Bless me in the Work I Do (Power of a Praying Woman)
I finally have a moment to think and write for you all. I know, I know, it's been literally months since I last wrote anything; but I can't make myself write something just to write something, and in-between destinations that's pretty much all I've had time for.
God is doing amazing things my life and I am seeing Him working in the lives of those around me as well -- it is truly inspiring! Especially when I see how He is using me! I have been running this race, God as my beacon and let me tell you, when I stopped to smell the roses, I couldn't believe how many there were to smell!
I was encouraged to tears just a couple weeks ago. I had prayed on...I believe it was a Friday night, that I knew God was working in me and I could already see an astounding difference, and I knew He is moulding me into the woman He wants me to be, and the woman that one particular man needs me to be ;-) ; but I said that I wasn't sure how much of that person I am already. I wasn't sure exactly how far I'd come, if I now am pretty much the woman that man needs to me be. I'm not saying I was wondering if God was done with me, haha, no, that will never happen, Praise the LORD! I adore having Him in my life as my #1 :-D. And then Saturday morning I got a call from my friend Joe Bumba, and after he had finished talking to me about stepping up as a leader for the harmony group, he jumped into this excited encouraging rant, "Diane and I were talking after Bible study and we were both saying, "WHAT WAS THAT?! Did you hear Marie? Where did THAT come from? Man she's grown SO MUCH! Whatever your ladies group is doing, keep on doing it!" and he just went on like that. If I were one to blush, I would've been at that moment. All I could say was, "Really? Awe, thank you!"
THEN, later that afternoon I met my accountability partner, Angela, and sometime after we had started talking she said, "Sara and I were talking, and we are amazed at how much we've seen you grow and I'm constantly shocked at how much of the Bible you know," and she went on as well. Let me tell you, this time I was surprised. My mouth must've been hanging open and I know my eyes were as wide as they could get! I told her that Joe had said a lot of the same things just that morning. Boy was I thinking, "Whoah!"
But, the story doesn't end there! Oh my goodness, about an hour later Sara joined us and we started talking and walking around and took pictures ( we were at Algonquian), and then settled down on a bench by the water so we could get to praying for Sara, which is why she had come. Well, before we started, we were all laughing and all and Sara jumped in at some point and said, "Oh Marie, I wanted to tell you, Angela and I were talking yesterday..." and off she went, saying the same things in her own way! That's when I started crying and thinking, "God...I'm overwhelmed, thank You! God, I don't know what to say...I take it that's a 'YES, you are there, you are the woman he needs.' God, I can't express my heart right now but through these tears. I am humbled, again, at how much You love me and how much I love You. I can't thank You enough."
Last night I lead the discussion for our Circle of Sisters gathering. The title was, "Lord, Bless Me in the Work I Do." from the book The Power of a Praying Woman. And the Lord gave me the idea of starting out the night with an exercise that I'd just read in the book Write It Down, Make It Happen. The example given has to do with planning out how you will "behave" throughout the day. I'm going to write here my list, both so you'll understand what I'm talking about, and because it's an amazing thing because for the longest time I have not been able to say such powerful things. Now, these are not all things I am good at now, some of them are, some of them the Lord is still working with me on.
I wake up praising the Lord, and with a smile whether big or small
I take a deep breath and say, "Good morning, Jesus!"
I am not lazy, I am energized at the realization that I have another day
I can't wait to go on my morning walk or run
I monitor and direct my thoughts whenever possible (one of the examples in the book that I liked)
I love my quiet times and am every day memorizing more and more of scripture and things I learn concerning it, evidence supporting it
I take time every day to simply breath, relax, and know that God is God, end of story.
I am constantly aware of God
I talk less and listen more, and my actions support, explain, and exceed my words
I show people that they matter
I esteem others as higher than myself, but am certain and steadfast in my beliefs and do not allow anyone to destroy my character
I never forget that I too, matter
I feel the power of God flowing through me, I am excited at the thought of heaven, and I share this excitement with others in various ways
I am not afraid to awfully say that God is doing amazing things my life and all around me; I am not afraid to explain
I am learning more and more wisdom and share this wisdom with others; people want to hear what I have to say
The Lord uses me daily to turn others, either strayed or not yet adopted into the family of God, towards Him.
I make people feel like family, like they belong and are loved and cherished
I am calm and patient
Regardless of whether or not I am right or wrong, I respect those in authority over me, those I work beside and those that I serve (the patients)
I am ready to stop what I am doing to take over another task that needs taken care of
I am willing to help out at home; in fact, I look to see what there is to be done that I can help with, even when I'm tired or discouraged from a long day's work.
This is what I have so far. That last one is especially convicting to me, because that's the last thing I ever want to do when I'm tired or discouraged. But I know it honors the Lord, and He is the one I respect above anyone else.
Welp, it's dinner time, I hope you all have a lovely evening, and I hope to see you or speak with you soon!
God's blessings be upon you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, with all my love.