Road to Indiana
Almost there! I thought, waking up a bit from that knowledge. It had been about 11 hours since Rachel and I had started off from Virginia to Indiana, a state neither of us had been to before in our lives.
So far, everything was going smoothly.
I began to think about why we were making the 9 hour drive (early morning traffic plus 3 15-20 minute stops had made it 11 hours). Rachel had an internship interview at Grace Community Church in their Children's Ministry department. if she receives the internship position, she will be moving to Indiana for 9 months, and she needs a Personal Assistant to live with her.
That's where I come in. Besides being available to take her to the interview, Rachel also hopes that I might be the one to live with her.
At that thought, I began thinking other thoughts like: That means this will be my home for nine months! and I'm going to live in Indiana...really? Is this where You want me, Lord? Me, in Indiana? Do I really belong here? Well, if she gets the internship I do belong here at least for 9 months. and Whoah...weird...