You know, it's really hard to think of titles for these things, especially when they're just random "I feel like unloading myself" things anyway. Unfortunately for you all (well, I suppose that remains to be known), when big things happen, I feel like there's too much to type, so you don't get to read about it. Things, like, my birthday, going to Winchester, going to the beach, going hiking...that may or may not be it. Well...that's within the past three weeks. Hm...maybe I should write about those, 'cause then it would be easy to think of know, profound things like, "My Birthday," or "Journey to Winchester," or "The Beach," or "Hiking." Bet you all would wonder what in the world those entries were about, now wouldn't you? Hm...goals for the next week: write those entries so that the one or two people who care and don't see you so you can tell them all about it and show off the wonderful hiking souveniers to actually get a taste of what exciting things are going on in your life, get that taste of what exciting things are going on in your life.
Tonight we had four new patients, two of them Atlast patients (
lots of paperwork for both ends), in the space of...2 and 1/2 hours. So we closed 45 minutes late tonight.