More than Church and Morals

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Love's the only voice that's heard

Finding peace, even in uncertain circumstances or when God's words no longer seem to make sense. Knowing everything will be ok even when you're the only single among your group of friends, or someone close to you is going through a hard time emotionally, physically or spiritually. Running to God before anyone else, knowing He knows exactly how to handle your reaction to circumstances. Learning not to react to every little thing that happens: slow down and don't ride right up on someone's butt in traffic; be patient even when there's slow pokes in front and on either side of you stubbornly keeping you from passing; seeing pictures, information, or whatever that is one of the last things you wanted to see or hear. Knowing that God is in control, and not only that, but He loves you more than you do, He is more just than you are, He hates abuse, misconduct, injustice -- more than you do and He is doing a much better job at ruling the world than you or I ever could.

These things can be hard, but they are necessary. Above all: remembering that He is God! Whether you feel like you've caught Him doing something wrong, or that He isn't doing anything at all, remember that He can do no wrong and He is always doing something.

Peace is what I was fighting for earlier today. I saw one of those "last things I wanted to see" 's today. And, me being the overly dramatic emotional freight train that I am, I spent a workout and then some trying to come to grips and peace about it in my heart. I thought about calling someone, texting someone...something, but I didn't. I knew I had to deal with it first. I struggled between reacting and knowing. My emotional mess of a heart panicked at how this new information could "ruin everything" (as dramatic hearts always cry). Guilt lay on my heart and it slunk into a corner insisting it would never revive and it would surely die that day. My mind said, "Pull yourself together! Where's your faith? This is not nearly over and you have no idea what will happen in the days to come. Maybe you did 'ruin everything'. Maybe God took His promise away from you. Maybe He didn't. But mark His words His will shall be done and there's nothing you can do about it." My mind knew, from past experience, that He will always be true, and that no matter what happens, no matter where the future takes me He will be there - with me.


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