More than Church and Morals

Thursday, August 17, 2006

There's one thing that's worth waiting for

And we talked about it in our office's Bible study this evening. We went in-depth into 1 Corinthians 7:1-(approximately)8/9.

I walked away with the thoughts, "God, I need help to change, I don't want to continue thinking the way I do, stumbling the way I do." And with these three/five things:

1. In a married relationship you should be able to confess to your spouse: hey, I'm attracted to this other person, I need your help, prayer and support in this area. My boss (who is married, btw) brought this up. We clarrified that, should such a thing need to be said, yes, it would hurt like anything, but you need to be able to work through that kind of thing because, when you break it down, she's still a girl, and he's still a guy. He said he and his wife periodically will even ask each other: hey, are you struggling in this area, are you attracted to someone else, do I need to be praying for you? (And noted that every time he gets a 'no' from her he's like 'Hallelujah! Yes!' But they're still aware that they need to help each other and be ready to work throught it and all that).

2. *Note from Dr. J.: Never deprive your spouse, except on mutual agreement, never (giving demonstrations of couples/married persons confiding in him about such a thing and he noticed that it always causes marriage problems.

3. In a Mate:
a.) First, do they submit to the Spirit?
b.) Second, are they grateful? and
c.) Thirdly, (and I quote Dr. J.) "Do ya got the burning?"
(The background for that quote being that, if you're not attracted to this person, you will despise this person, and it will not work)


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