More than Church and Morals

Monday, December 28, 2009

Anticipating the Outcome

There is no end in sight for the uncertainty. I trade off between worrying that I'm not doing something I'm supposed to, and anticipating how God is going to choose to provide for me. As it is, not only am I currently in need of a THIRD part-time job, but issues requiring money to fix keep popping up: I had to get the oil in my car changed and a tire fixed (nail), which, thankfully, the tires are still under 50% wear, so it was fixed for free (woohoo!); I need to flea bomb most of the house and take Happy to PetsMart for a bath, flea treatment, and claw clipping while the house is airing out; my laptop decided stop working again (3rd time in a year); I need a working tuner for the guitar I'm borrowing from my friend Philip; and my phone keeps randomly shutting down or restarting, even after I bought a new battery for it (46 bucks and it didn't work), and the only phone that caught my attention still costs around $150-200 after discounts and a rebate.

Thankfully, my dad has, thus far, been able to get my computer working again (still waiting for this 3rd time, but I'm optimistic -- God has blessed my Daddy where fixing things is concerned), my brother has a working tuner that I can use when I bring along my guitar, getting my tire fixed was free, and my phone is still working, I just have to check it to make sure it's still turned on -- it's not like it's shutting off every 5 minutes or anything. Plus, Dad said I should call/e-mail Sprint and ask if there is a software upgrade for my phone that might fix the problem; although when I checked the website, it didn't look like there were any updates. Another praise is that, even with having less than 15 hrs./wk at Curves some weeks last month, my second paycheck was still $285, so if I can consistently earn about that much per paycheck, rent + utilities(under $100) + wisely chosen groceries will all be covered. Wow. Plus the $20 gift card for Shoppers from my parents helped out this month tremendously! My goal is to never need the food pantry at church -- I know it's there, but I'd prefer not to take from those who may be even worse off than I am, and to be able to afford rent, because Happy can't stay at my parents'. Also, periodically being at my parents' for dinner helps cut back on groceries I need to buy, and then copyrighting for a friend helps cover a few other things, like my phone bill, and my Compassion responsibility, maybe more.

Thank you, to anyone who is or has prayed for me and all these uncertainties. I hope you are as excited as I am to see God work through all of this! God bless ~Marie~


At 9:52 AM , Blogger Seeker of Truth said...

Glad you're writing in this again.


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